
"Drop the World"

Here are some videos that have been posted from the Waukee location in a highlight real to the song "Drop the World" by Lil Wayne.


Obstacle Course

AI athletes in Ankeny going through an obstacle course outside the gym inside of Kingdom Hoops. In order: Cory Kunze, Spencer Shepherd, Holly Nuetzman, Jacob Prebeck, and Mallory Sturtz


Say Hello to "Kassi"

Workout Name: "Kassi"

Workout Outline:

15 Jumps Box Four
12 Double Unders with Jump Rope
9 Kettle Swings - 45 lbs.
6 Lawn Chair/Twists/Press - 25 lbs.
3 Push ups - 45 lbs - Five Counts Down/Five Counts Up
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes

Test your determination on this workout. When you first start out it might seem like a Breeze but wait until the third or fourth round and then you can talk.

Top 5 in Waukee:

Reggie Hoegh - 6-2/5
Dave Wonders - 6-1/5 Jake Fay - 5-4/5
Eric McEntee/Tyler Norwood/Brandon Kain - 5-3/5
Andrew Flaherty - 4-3/5

Post Comments With your Rounds



Jimmy Siebert, a senior to be at Johnston, shows his running prowess as he joins the Cheetah Club. A very exclusive club, to join an athlete must run 20 mph for 6 seconds without a spot. It is a great benchmark of hard work and athletic ability.

Siebert has been working out at Acceleration Iowa for over four months to prepare for his upcoming golf season. He had a few things on his mind after accomplishing his feat.

"John Stapes can eat his heart out. He doubted me and I proved him and his whole family wrong. I am aiming for Super Cheetah Club (21.5 mph) next. Golf is the best sport so stick to it. And if you are a 4A athlete, quit football and go out for golf."


Putting in Extra Work

Dan Lang pushes himself on the backpedal Treadmill in Urbandale. Dan, who is preparing for his freshman football season at Dowling High School, attended Jim Williams O-Line Camp all day today. The sunburn proves that he was out working hard from 8:00-3:00. With a little water and determination, Dan came in for the 5:30 session.

While others are resting and relaxing, Dan is committed to becoming the best he can be and putting in the extra work.

Keep up the great work, Dan! It will pay off this fall!


Getting Things Done in Waukee

This video features a few of the ladder drills that the Athletes have been doing in Waukee. At the end of the video there is a great drill to work on pass coverage for football players. Nice work guys, keep it up!


Speed Tests

The video above shows AI athletes in Ankeny testing their maximum speed on the treadmill this past week. Each one of these athletes has worked really hard in the past couple months, pushing themselves to become faster. They especially put in a lot of effort this past week trying to improve on their individual top speeds. Great job guys!!